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Candance Miller

Executive director


Candace Miller is Executive Director at The Workforce Development Trust, incorporating Skills for Health, Skills for Justice, SFJ Awards and People 1st International and has oversight of the corporate services, marketing, and is also the Managing Director for SFJ Awards.

Candace has had an extensive career at the forefront of vocational education, training and workforce development within the UK. After several years working for a major awarding organisation, during which time she led a research programme exploring the requirements for effective workplace education across the major sectors of the UK economy, Candace set up and ran a successful research and development consultancy. From the early 1990’s until she joined the Trust, Candace led, or participated in, a wide range of government-driven and/or sector-based initiatives, all designed to drive up the effectiveness of UK workforce development, ensure strong employer leadership on skills and create learning pathways that are accessible to all.